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I decided to cosplay Roadhog about 1.5 months before Blizzcon 2018. Most parts were digitally modeled, 3D printed, sanded, airbrushed, and then weathered with a oil paints. The mask was bought from Joy-Cos and then weathered. However, I also made completely new vents for it to...

For my Roadhog cosplay, I made the hook and the gun on his back. The end of the hook attaches to the chain reel on his belt. The end piece can be unscrewed from the handle so that it’s removable for transportation. For the gun...

Roadhog’s armor is very simple, so I wanted to make sure each piece had a realistic paint job. I used a layered weathering effect with airbrushing and distressing to get a worn look, faithful to his junker appearance. I love adding special effects to things...